Who We Are

Use Natural Resources Integrated Services And Solutions For Industry

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SG Energy Infra (SGEI) is New “AVATAR” Of
Shree Ganesh Engineering Services ( SGES)

SGEI's Trading Arm,
Shree Ganesh Engineering Services(SGES)
is Authorized Franchise of WAAREE Energies Limited

EPC Projects:
| Solar | Electrical | Instrumentation |
| Automation |
| Associated Civil Works |

Let us Build
& Maintain World
Class Energy and Power
Infrastructure together.

End to End Solutions from
Concept to Commissioning as well as O & M

Cumulative Experience
of more than 25+ Years.

Best Quality with Utmost Safety
& Competitive Pricing

Safety Occupational Health
Of Employees
is Prime Concern For SGEI

Statement of Capabilities

SG Energy Infra Brief

SG ENERGY INFRA (SGEI), formerly known as Shree Ganesh Engineering Services, is your trusted engineering partner when you are looking for an association you can rely upon. SGEI is one stop solution for fully integrated Renewable, Electrical, Control, Instrumentation and associated Civil Projects & Services with highly specialized work force dedicated towards executing projects with state of the art technology.

SGEI capabilities span the entire project life cycle from Concept to Commissioning , Installation, Operation and Maintenance.

Our Business Segments


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We are an ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company


For Project Consultation, Call us

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